A List Of Potential Dissertation Ideas On Special Education

No matter what the area of study or topic, writing a dissertation is a pretty tough task. Not only does it take several months to complete but it represents the culmination of your higher academic study on your way towards earning a master’s or a PhD and moving on to life as a professional. For this reason, it’s usually evaluated with a more critical eye than any other assignment you have ever worked on. Keeping this in mind you want be sure you pick a great idea for your dissertation topic in order to impress the review committee with something unique and interesting. Here are some great topic ideas for a dissertation on special education:

  1. Embracing inclusion methods for teaching special education. Consider the positive and negative effects of moving students with special needs away from the general population.
  2. Should all U.S. states require teachers to receive special training and certification as a means to have a larger pool of available teachers to step in when resources are limited?
  3. What are the biggest and most common challenges faced by first-year special education teachers in the United States? What resources are most need to facilitate their job?
  4. Early childhood development testing has sometimes revealed that an ineffective ESL program has resulted in several hundreds of students across the nation to be put into special education courses. What can be done to prevent this from happening?
  5. What are the biggest transition challenges faced by special education students going from high school to college? What resources need to be made available for a smooth transition?
  6. Provide a critical analysis of the exclusion method (e.g., separating special needs students) to offer a better educational experience to both students with and without special needs.
  7. What role does the family play in the education of a special needs child? Do you think there should be greater interaction between parents and teachers to foster a stable environment?
  8. How fair and balanced are special education placement tests at the high school level? Should the tests account for the number of other social and non-social factors affecting students?
  9. Provide a detailed history of special education in the United States, including financial support, community support, and the development of the program throughout the decades.
  10. Compare and contrast the different methods for meeting the needs of special education students. What have been the biggest failures? What has been the most successful?

Writing Guide
